Saturday, April 14, 2007

Another week over

This weeks been pretty shitty, as you can imagine, so I haven't got much to say. We took the kids out to the social club last night and met up with some friends. Pete's interview went really well, he should hear something next week. He also has another assessment centre for a job with Halfords on Tuesday. Isobel has been wearing knickers for two days now and is finally getting the hang of it. She's gone straight on to using the toilet. I'm having lots of success with her getting there on time, but Pete isn't paying attention and she's having accidents with him. He's never done the whole training thing before, so I'm not being too hard on him.
We are going to a BBQ today, but need to put some bets on the National first. I'm having Bewleys Berry, Pete has Thisthatandtother, Ryan wants Monkerhostin and Taylor has picked Homer Wells. Hopefully we'll win something as we need cheering up.
Here are some pictures I took the other day of my pretty girl.

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