Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Happy now...

I'm sitting here with a glass of wine after a busy but productive day, listening to Vangelis. Because I'm weird.

Lara and I were interviewed for a TV programme/documentary today. Lara had her pregnancy and birth filmed and it's currently showing in snippets on Living TV. The lady from Goldhawk Media came to my house today with her camera and asked us lots of questions for another documentary. We also gave her tips on birth and motherhood. It was great fun. So I'm going to be famous. Ha ha!
Bernadette was lovely, we had fun chatting to her about all sorts of stuff. Isobel and Jake got to be stars for the day too. She even filmed my Guinea pigs and the kids playing together in the sand! It should be shown later on this year.

Now I'm listening to Chris Isaac, Soundgarden and Nirvana. I'm definitely in a weird mood tonight.

I took these pictures of Isobel in the bath this morning. Doesn't she look different without the hair?


Lara said...

you forgot to mention the well travelled (and soon to be world famous) Transcontinental Naked Molerat!

I'll let you tell it...

Dan said...

I know what you're going to be in: "Neighbours from Hell: Basildon Edition!" hehe

Let us know the when and what channel so I can be nosey ;)

And yes, she looks hugely different without the hair!

Laney said...

Asbo Fever:Basildon Style.

Don't worry Dan, I'm sure one of us will spill the beans when it's going on air.

I haven't got any pictures of the famous mole rat yet Lara, so I'll tell the tale tomorrow!