Friday, June 08, 2007

End of another week

I’ve been shopping like a loon on Ebay this week, courtesy of my mother. She’s given us some money for the wedding, so we’ve been buying our holiday clothes. I bought Isobel this Next dress for £3. Bargain!

I spoke to my Dad the other night for the first time since February; we haven’t seen him since Christmas. They are coming over next Sunday, so that’ll be nice. The actually owe us all a birthday present. Ryan’s, Taylor’s, Isobel’s and my birthday have passed by since we last saw them. We only see them two to three times a year
We are off out clubbing tonight, I haven’t been since March and poor Pete hasn’t been out since December. Ryan is desperate to go shopping on Saturday but there is no way we’ll be getting up to take him, he’ll have to go alone. I think he’s getting his ear pierced tomorrow too. I think it looks naff on boys, but he’s almost 14 so is more than old enough to stick metal spikes through his body. Good luck to him, he’s paying for it himself anyway. I can’t talk as I had my first tattoo at 16.

I'm dead chuffed in the garden, as my cornflowers that I've grown myself from seed(out of a cereal box!, have grown to gargantuan proportions and flowered this week. They are one of my favourite flowers, just look at that shade of blue!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love cornflowers too - you can also get really dark ones which are almost black. Love in the Mist are pretty darned good too (quite similar but a bit more exotic looking).