Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Cat Came Back

Well, the cat is still here, is still very cute and very friendly, and still keeps coming back even though we aren't feeding her very much at all. I didn't want to encourage her, so she's just had biscuits and nothing too appetising. Also, she isn't the cat we thought she was. We spoke to Berry's family, and it isn't her, so we are back to square one with the ownership issue. Until we find where she belongs, she needs a name. I have a list, but need to choose one with Pete. The boys wanted to call her something stupid, but the rule in my house says that I do the caring so I do the naming when it comes to pets! The day they start cleaning up after them and feeding them is the day they can choose their names. Name choosing is half the fun of owning a pet.


Dan said...

You will be the crazy cat lady... and sooner than you think ;)
Oh, and a "little bit" of food is enough to keep it coming back!

Laney said...

She literally hasn't left my sight for a whole week, I couldn't let the poor little bugger starve. If I kick her out, she sits in our garden waiting for the next opportunity of an open door. She is now called Malley, couldn't keep calling her Berry if that isn't who she is!

Dan said...

I think you're a glutton for punishment and a soft touch... Hope you aren't on freecycle - there are often poor ickle kitties on there needing homes ;)

Laney said...

I do go on freecycle, but have yet to be sucked in by any poor ickle kitties. They just sit on my doorstep and guilt trip me instead!

Dan said...

I'll remember that next time we have animals to get rid of. Don't offer them, just park them by your door and job done!