Thursday, November 20, 2008

Parents evenings

It's that time of year again - parents evenings!

Ryan's was during one of the days that I work so I couldn't go, but Pete said it went well. He's falling behind with his PE theory, which although he loves the actual sport side of the lessons it does make sense. It's science based and that isn't his strong point. He's gone to London for a business skills thing today, only certain students were picked for it a few weeks ago, so that's quite good.

Taylor's last night was excellent, he's been picked by an artist working with the school to go on the gifted and talented register. We are really pleased for him. His other stuff is all on target too, but she wants him to read more fiction. He's usually got his nose stuck in a biography, so we need to steer him away from that slightly.

Isobel starts school in exactly 8 weeks time, and I've been worried about her joining an established class of older children, so I've been concentrating on getting her to write and we've got somewhere with that. She can write her name now with no help at all, and I got her to do the whole family with me calling out the letters, even Baby Kit. She needs help with Y and K though, so I helped!

I'm supposed to be doing my assessment for my course, it's due today, so I'd best get on with that and stop procrastinating.

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