We took the kids down to Portsmouth last Saturday as the boys were staying with Pete's Mum & Dad while we were away. Pete had arranged to meet up with some old friends so we escaped for the evening.
Louisa, Fiona and Me
Pete and Mike
Me and Mike
Pete and Louisa
Then on Sunday we rushed back and did a packing session that lasted most of the day, then dropped off the Guinea Pigs at Sam's, and Isobel off at my Mums. At this point I started to think that although a weeks holiday sounded nice, was it really worth all this stress?
Monday morning we were both up bright and early to get all my members on their three coaches. The journey there was pretty uneventful, we stopped off for lunch in Lowestoft, then got to our holiday camp. Potters is really lovely, perfect for my crowd, but even us youngsters enjoyed it. At weekends it's geared towards a younger crowd, but even so the midweek break kept us entertained. We used the pool and gym most days, and did archery and mini golf. The food was to die for, in fact the whole day basically revolves around food there, and you just get over one meal and it's time for the next! Even lunch is a three course meal, it's unbelievable. On Thursday we were really lazy and literally went back to bed after every meal, and just dozed all day. The coastline here was lovely, we had great weather, although the sea was pretty choppy most days.
It was nice to get home though, and the garden has grown loads in a week. I have lettuce! And carrots!