Last weekend we went for a lovely walk in the woods at Thorndon, Sam & Harvey came and Pete even had a day off work, which is a rarity. I had a whale of a time looking for mushrooms, didn't find anything edible though. We saw loads and loads, but they were all nasty ones, albeit very beautiful.
I just got interrupted whilst typing this because my new childminder was knocking on the door.
If you've noticed the 'new childminder' part, it's a long story, the old one lost the plot last week and said awful things about me to Pete, then she told me Pete was lying when I confronted her.
Anyway, the new childminders daughter has chicken pox, my two haven't had it, and I'm 16 weeks pregnant. I wish they would catch it, Taylor is almost ten and hasn't caught it yet, just not now. It can harm the baby before 20 weeks.
Oh well, no point stressing about it.
I have to say, my sweetcorn has done very well this year but Doow's (Dreamdust) hasn't although she had a good crop last year. If I remember rightly, you had an ace crop of strawberries this year - mine weren't. Such is life!
That's the way it goes in the garden. I've tried strawberries a few times and never got any - until this year, and my first year my spring onions were fantastic...I've never even gotten them to germinate since!
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